Orthodox parents of LGBT Jews

Temicha: Orthodox parents of LGBT Jews

Temicha is a moderated support group for Orthodox parents of LGBTQ.

Temicha in the news:







The Times Of Israel:


Embracing Love and Faith: Orthodox Parents of LGBT Jews

In a world that continues to evolve and challenge traditional norms, the intersection of religion and sexual orientation often presents unique struggles for individuals and their families. Among the diverse tapestry of religious backgrounds, the Orthodox Jewish community has grappled with reconciling its deep-rooted traditions with the presence of LGBT individuals. However, in the face of these challenges, an inspiring group of Orthodox parents has emerged, who, fueled by love and compassion, are breaking barriers, fostering understanding, and embracing their LGBT children.

A Journey of Acceptance:

For Orthodox parents, the realization that their child identifies as LGBT can be both surprising and bewildering, initially conflicting with their religious beliefs and the teachings of their community. However, as parents witness their child's journey of self-discovery, they confront a critical juncture—an opportunity to choose between love and rejection. Many Orthodox parents choose love, embarking on a personal journey of acceptance and understanding.

Reconciliation of Faith and Love:

Orthodox parents who embrace their LGBT children often find themselves grappling with the reconciliation of their religious beliefs and the unwavering love they have for their child. This delicate balance requires them to examine their understanding of their faith and to seek guidance from their religious leaders, scholars, and support networks. Through introspection, education, and open dialogue, these parents strive to align their core values with the affirmation of their child's identity.

Challenges and Triumphs:

The path taken by Orthodox parents of LGBT Jews is not without its challenges. They may encounter resistance from their communities, face questions from friends and family members, and navigate the complexities of religious ceremonies and traditions that may not initially embrace LGBT inclusivity. However, armed with unwavering determination and fortified by their love for their child, these parents become catalysts for change within their communities. Their advocacy helps foster a deeper understanding, respect, and acceptance of LGBT individuals within Orthodox Judaism.

Building Supportive Communities:

Orthodox parents of LGBT Jews are pioneers in building supportive communities that encourage dialogue and understanding. They organize support groups, engage with religious leaders to promote inclusivity, and share their personal experiences to inspire others to embark on similar journeys of acceptance. These parents actively participate in creating spaces where individuals can reconcile their faith and sexual orientation, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and compassionate Orthodox Jewish community.


The stories of Orthodox parents embracing their LGBT children within the framework of their faith are a testament to the power of love, compassion, and the evolution of religious communities. These parents exemplify the transformative potential of acceptance, as they navigate the intersection of traditional beliefs and the recognition of their children's authentic identities. Their unwavering commitment to both faith and family lays the groundwork for a more inclusive future, where Orthodox Judaism embraces and celebrates the diversity of its members, ensuring that every individual is valued, supported, and loved.